Saturday, April 13, 2013

New York New York

The adventures continue...with a very different flavor.  My most recent adventures have taken me to New York City!  I've been taking trips up to the city to audition about once a week lately.  What started out as big and intimidating has become somewhat routine.  I've grown very accustomed to running from studio to studio, signing up for auditions, timing it out to try to make it back to each one in time for my number to be called, and taking the subway (which I was really liking until I saw a rat on the tracks the other day -- ewww).
I had a very successful trip up a couple weeks ago:  Day One I managed to be seen at 4 vocal auditions and had a dance callback.  At two of the four vocal auditions they asked me to attend a callback the next day.  When they asked I smiled and said "I'd love to."  Then walked out of the room and thought to myself, "Oh shoot, I have no idea where I'm going to stay tonight!"  I had planned on making the three hour trip home that evening and had made no arrangements to stay in the city overnight.  I quickly texted some friends to see if anyone had a couch I could crash on...only one of them got back to me quickly and she was in Boston!  So, for the first time (and probably not the last), I spent the night in a hostel.  The hostel was on 103rd and Amsterdam.  It was huge -- four floors worth of rooms!  It was clean and felt very safe.  Overall it was a great experience and I would definitely do it again.  The Hostel had a pub crawl organized for that night and I would have loved to make some new friends but my first callback was at 9am so I decided to head to bed early.  You know, be a responsible grown-up. It wasn't my best night's sleep ever...a girl came into the room at 12:30am, flipped all the lights on and rummaged around for about 20mins...ugh.  Other than that it was great!  I had been so exhausted from my day of auditions that I crash hard and fast.  The callbacks went well making for a very productive couple of days.
On another recent trip I got to hang out with my cousin Ryan.  He works as the amenities manager for a 76 story residential skyscraper in Manhattan.  So I got to tour the facilities, take in a great view of the city skyline and spend time with my cousin.  It was a great evening after a long day of auditions.
I went up for a day this past week as well.  This time I stayed with my former roomie who now lives on the Upper East Side.  The weather was gorgeous (aaah how I love springtime)!  We sat out and had drinks on a rooftop bar and caught up on each other's lives while enjoying a beautiful birdseye view of the city at night!  Perfect evening!
Auditioning is hard and it's draining!  There is so much competition and rejection to deal with.  However, I just feel so blessed!  I've been given the ability lately to just be grateful that I'm getting to pursue what I've always wanted to do -- what a gift -- to have the means and ability to pursue my dreams!  I am so thankful!  I also feel honored to be part of this amazing industry -- I've met some incredible people in audition holding rooms!  I am so honored to share this profession with such talented and determined individuals!  So blessed!

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