Monday, February 25, 2013

Prayer for CURE Hospital International Dominicana

Today Aunt Lori and I got to go in to CURE hospital to join some of the staff for prayer!  There is a team of Doctors from the US visiting this week so they have a lot of difficult surgeries scheduled.  The hospital has organized continuous prayer during the surgeries all week.  Aunt Lori and I went in for an hour today and we will be doing the same tomorrow and Wednesday.  We would love to have you join us in prayer for this awesome ministry and the children and families they are treating!  Here's what to pray for:

1)  Health for the children.  Important surgeries are often cancelled here because the children catch colds or other common illnesses and cannot be released for surgery.  Please pray against germs and colds so that all the surgeries can go on as scheduled.

2)  The doctors and staff at the hospital.  For clarity of mind and for energy as they are working on many difficult cases this week.  For everything to run smoothly in the surgeries.

3) Also for the spiritual growth of the families of the children being treated.  That they would be ministered to by the work being done.  That the experience with CURE would be the beginning of spiritual renewal in their lives!


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