Monday, February 11, 2013

Santo Domingo Here I Come!

For years my Mom has held to the belief that one should never make life altering decisions in February.  I couldn't agree more!  The cold, the lack of sunshine, and the let down after the holidays team up to create a nasty case of the blues and alters the way we see the world and the way we make decisions.  Well, I now find myself in a time of transition in none other than the month of February.  My answer to this dilemma:  Fly to the Dominican Republic, of course!
I will be spending the next two and a half weeks with my Aunt, Uncle and cousins as they begin their ministry with the Cure Hospital in Santo Domingo!  I am so looking forward to being stretched out of my comfort seeing a different culture and way of being reminded that most of the world lives very differently than we do allowing God to work in my life and mold me through new surroundings and experiences...and to spending some time in sunshine and 85 degree weather!  I am also looking forward to sharing these experience with you!  This is my first go at blogging (I know, I know, I'm several years behind the times).  I would greatly appreciate your prayers as I travel, explore, grow and spend time with my precious family!  
Here is a link to the Cure Hospital website if you'd like to know more about the ministry or donate:


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